NYS Requirements for PE and HEALTH

What are the New York State requirements for physical education?

• All students in K-12 must attend and participate in a physical education program.
• All pupils in grades K-3 shall attend and participate in physical education on a daily basis.
• All pupils in grades 4-6 shall attend and participate in physical education not less than three times per week.
• All pupils in grades 7-12 shall attend and participate in physical education for not less than three times per week in one semester, and not less than two times per week in the other semester (Department, 2010).

 What is the time requirement for physical education per calendar week?

• 120 minutes per calendar week exclusive of any time that may be required for dressing and showering (Department, 2010).

Works Cited
Department, N. Y. (2010, May 25). Physical Education. Retrieved December 11, 2012,

What are the Commissioner's regulations for Health education?

Elementary Schools:
 • Health shall be taught by regular classroom teachers.The elementary school curriculum shall include a sequential health education program for all pupils, grades K-6. In the kindergarten and primary grades, the teacher shall provide for pupil participation in planned activities for developing attitudes, knowledge and behavior that contribute to their own sense of self-worth, respect for their bodies and ability to make constructive decisions regarding their social and emotional, as well as physical, health. Personal health guidance shall also be provided according to the individual needs of pupils. This guidance shall include the development of specific habits necessary to maintain good individual and community health. In addition to continued health guidance, provision shall be made in the school program of grades 4-6 for planned units of teaching which shall include health instruction through which pupils may become increasingly self-reliant in solving their own health problems and those of the group. Health education in the elementary school grades shall be taught by the regular classroom teachers.

Secondary Schools:
 The secondary school curriculum shall include health education as a constant for all pupils. In addition to continued health guidance in the junior high school grades, provision shall also be made for a separate one-half year course. In addition to continued health guidance in the senior high school, provision shall also be made for an approved one -half unit course. Health education shall be required for all pupils in the junior and senior high school grades and shall be taught by teachers holding a certificate to teach health. A member of each faculty with approved preparation shall be designated as health coordinator, in order that the entire faculty may cooperate in realizing the potential health teaching values of the school programs. The health coordinator shall insure that related school courses are conducted in a manner supportive of health education, and provide for cooperation with community agencies and use of community resources necessary for achieving a complete school - community health education program.

All secondary schools shall provide appropriate instruction concerning the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) as part of required health education courses in grades 7-8 and in grades 9-12. Such instruction shall be designed to provide accurate information to pupils concerning the nature of the disease, methods of transmission, and methods of prevention; shall stress abstinence as the most appropriate and effective premarital protection against AIDS, and shall be age appropriate and consistent with community.