Cooperative Games

Cooperative Games and Adventure Activities

Around the World

Objective: To move participants through a series of hoops and back to their original hoop
in the most efficient and timely manner possible.
1. Each participant must begin the challenge with both feet in a hoop and finish the task in that
same hoop.
2. Participants must have at least one foot in a hoop at all times and never step on the ground
outside of a hoop.
3. At some point each person must place both of their feet in each of the hoops.
4. As a group you may determine how you wish to arrange the hoops before you begin the task. You
may also determine how many people will begin in each hoop.

Bird’s Nest

Participants work in groups of 3. Each group has 3 similar objects (same colored balls, etc.) spread out in an open area beyond a designated line. Each group also has a basket per group in which they will place their gathered objects. One person per group assumes one of the following roles:
Gatherer – this person is blindfolded, non-verbal and the only member allowed across the designated
line to gather the group’s objects.
Instructor – this person is blindfolded as well but the only person in the group that can speak. It is their job to give directions to the “gatherer.”
Spotter - this person can see but not talk. It is his/her responsibility to visually locate the group’s objects and give non-verbal directions to the “instructor” in order for the “gatherer” to locate the objects.
Once blindfolded, the gatherer will move through the open area (bumpers up) attempting to locate
and gather their objects. The “instructor” should be seated behind the designated line and the spotter should stand directly behind them. The challenge is for the gathered to collect the group’s objects and place them in the basket with the help of the “instructors”, directions. Allow participants to change roles.


Participants group themselves in pairs with one person choosing to be the car and the other person the driver. In this activity the person representing the car is blindfolded (or can close his/her eyes) with the drive standing directly behind them. The Leader explains that there are three commands that determine the way the driver is to drive the car.
1-  “city driving,” allows the car and driver to move forward about 3 steps and then the car must
make a 90 degree turn to either the right or left.
2-  “Country driving,” allows the car to meander around the room with no fixed pattern.
3-  “Freeway driving” has the car and the driver going around the room one way in a circular formation. During freeway driving, the car can go as fast as “the car” (person) feels comfortable.
As the leader shouts different commands, the car changes its form of driving to match the command.
After about 30 seconds, have the car and the driver switch places.

Variation: Convoy Tag

This game is played like the one above with a couple of exceptions. In this game, give several couples each a nerf ball or beach ball. The lead (sightless) player holds the ball in front and the back (driving) player directs him/her to tag another couple. When another couple is tagged, the ball is given to the new leader and everyone lines up behind him or her. Now, you have four people linked together with a sightless player seeking another couple. Let this play continue until there are only a few couples left. These couples can start the game as the new convoy leaders.

Clean’em Up

Scatter “stuff” around the gym. Task is to pick the “stuff” up and return them to box(es) placed around the gym. Object is to complete task in as short of time as possible.
Participants cannot move with stuff in their hands (have to be tossed). Boundaries may be placed
around the boxes.
Add challenge of sorting.
Challenge as: Whole class, Boys and Girls

Combination Grid

Equipment: A 5’x7’ tarp divided into a grid marked with numbers and/or letters
Objective: To move through the grid one team member at a time using the proper
-The challenge facilitator has a “combination” of numbers written down to represent the sequence
the team members must discover to pass through the grid.
-Team members must step, one person at a time, on the numbers/letters in the proper sequence to get
across. If a person steps on the wrong square, that person (or the entire team) must go to the back
of the line.
-All team members must move across using the same “combination”. There may be more that one team
member on the grid at one time. Obviously, all the team members must be paying attention to figure
out the correct “combination”.
* Or The facilitator may choose patterns that emphasize math skills (i.e. multiples of 3, etc.)
or spelling (with the alphabet on the grid).

Construction Zone

Objective: To assemble two 4’ x 4’ puzzles in the shortest amount of time.
Description: On the command begin, each team member will pick out a puzzle piece from the pile.
They will be the only person who can touch that piece of the puzzle until the task is complete. The
team will then attempt to assemble the two puzzles in a designated area in the shortest amount of
1. Each person may only touch his or her own piece of the puzzle.
2. The clock will start before members pick up the puzzle pieces.
3. If someone handles a puzzle piece other than their own, the team must start the task over.
Score: The fastest time from beginning to end of task.
Additional challenge: If time allows, have team members work in pairs with one person in each pair
blindfolded. Only the members that are blindfolded may touch the puzzle pieces.

The Cube

Objective: To move the entire group through the “Cube” using as many different routes
as possible.
Equipment: 6 large hula hoops attached to each other to form a cube.
1. Everyone must go through the Cube without touching it. If the Cube is touched, that person must start again.
2. No one can use the same route through the Cube as anyone else. A hole may be re-used but the same combination of holes cannot be used. Going through a hole or combination in a different order is allowed.

Mission Impossible:

Students will be divided into 2 teams on separate ends of the gym/space. There are various pieces of equipment scattered throughout the general space that can be used to cross to the other side. There is also equipment in the center circle that can be taken by either team and distributed among their teammates (Any equipment that is not being used is free for anybody to take/move, except the equipment that was placed on the ground prior to the start of the game).
Equipment: 2 scooters, jump ropes, hula-hoops, cones, etc. (various)

Stepping Stones:

Students will be divided into teams of 5-7 people. Each group will receive 1 less carpet square/poly-spot than the number of students in their groups. Students will use the equipment as stepping-stones to get to their destination. If the equipment is not being touched, the teacher will take it away and the students will need to work with the remaining equipment.
Equipment: Carpet squares or poly-spots.

In and Out:

Students will make a people circle and extend it until they each feel some pull on their arms from the people to their left and right. Ask the students to number themselves off by 2’s (i.e. 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2). Ask the #1’s to lean into the circle and the #2’s to lean out without bending at the waist, then switch.
SAFETY: Make sure you tell the students to move slowly and with a purpose.

Tennis Ball Frenzy:

Students will have to keep all of the tennis balls moving in the gym by using the feet only.
SAFETY: Students may not kick the ball in the air at any time. There will be 100+ tennis balls moving around the gym during this game. Teacher may decide when the game ends by the number of tennis balls seen stopped at any time during the game.
Equipment: Small gym space with walls/barriers, 100+ tennis balls.

Magic Carpet:

Students will stand with both feet on the carpet. When the teacher says go, the clock begins and the students must work together to turn over the carpet without their feet ever touching the ground.
Equipment: Carpet/Sheet/Tarp — For groups of 8-12, the carpet should be approximately 4ft x 5ft.

Diffuse the Bomb:

Two teams are made. A box is placed in the middle of a marked-off area big enough that it is impossible to reach the box without stepping in the area. First team to remove the box without dragging it or stepping in the banned area wins.
Equipment: Ropes, Boxes

Hold the Rope Relay:

Place all of the hats, or objects you chose, at one end of the playing area. The teams will line up on the opposite end of the playing area. On the signal, team must race to the hats, keeping all hands on the rope. While keeping both hands on the rope, players must put all their hats on anyway they can. Players may not use their hands, as all hands are still holding the rope. Once each player from the team has on their hat, they will race back to the finish line. If a player drops a hat on the way back, the team must stop and replace the hat before continuing. The first team to finish is declared the winner.
Equipment: 1 jump rope or rope per every 5 players, 1 hat per player, or Beanbag

Circle Sit:

Whole class will stand in a circle facing clockwise. At the same time the whole class will try and sit down on each other’s knees before the circle falls to the floor. The objective is not to fall to the floor or collapse, thus making a perfect circle sit.
Equipment: None

Slipped Disc:

Everyone forms a circle on hands and knees with heads facing inward. A Frisbee is placed in the middle of one person’s back. The object of the game is to pass the object around the circle, from back to back, without using hands. If the object falls, it is picked up by hand and placed on the back of the last person who had it. The game continues until the disc is passed successfully around the entire circle.
Equipment: Frisbees

Have You Ever:

The class will form a circle. Everyone has a poly spot to stand on. One person in the middle asks
the question beginning with “have you ever….”? It should be something the person in the middle has done before. For example: Have you ever gone swimming? Now every person who has gone swimming in his or her life before must find a new spot to stand on. You cannot go to the same spot you just came from and you
cannot go to the spot to the left or right of you. The last person standing without a spot is now the person asking the question.
Equipment: Poly Spots

Name Toss Game:

Circle formation of the group. The group is given an object to toss from one to another (under hand). First saying their name and them tossing it to someone else. The toss cannot go to the same person twice. After going around the first time, they get to do it again in same formation a little faster and for the third time, you say the person’s name you are tossing to.
Equipment: Soft object to toss

Alphabet Line Up:

Group lines up in alphabetical order by last name without talking.
Equipment: None

Electric Fence:

A rope in hung about 4ft. off the floor. The group tries to get the entire group over the fence without touching it.
Equipment: Rope and two anchors to tie the rope making a fence.

Scooter Ball:

Four groups (3-5) all go at the same time, every person on scooter. Object in to have all four teams against each other. Each team must pass the ball to every player before scoring. There are two balls in play at the same time.
Equipment: Scooters, cones, two nerf balls.

Blind Square:

Gather the group into a large circle, Place the loop of rope on the ground inside of the circle at the feet of all of the participants. Tell the group to blindfold themselves, and then pick up the rope. When the group is ready tell them to form a perfect square with the rope. When they think they have succeeded, have them remove their blindfolds. Each participant must hold onto the rope with at least one hand at all times, blindfolds are to remain in place until they feel they have completed the figure.
Equipment: Rope, blindfolds
1. What did the group think the purpose of this activity was?
2. How did being blind make you feel?
3. Ask them to describe what happened, how well did the person perform? Why?
4. How could the activity be improved?


Members must physically assist and balance one another while traveling across a designated space. The group will creatively sculpt with their bodies a large millipede-like creature that moves with only a limited number of body parts touching the ground. The team will move themselves across an area (about 30 feet) with collectively only five body parts in contact with the ground. This challenge is set-up for a seven member team. The number of floor contact points can change depending on the number of team members. You will need cones to  mark start and finish points.
Equipment: None

Up Chuck:

Each student will receive a fleece or Nerf ball. They must throw their ball at least ten feet in the air and then attempt to catch a different ball that they did not throw. The teacher should count the number of balls that are missed and discuss with the class how to improve and achieve the result of having no balls dropping to the ground.
Equipment: Assorted Nerf Balls

The Last Detail:

Students get into teams. They each study everything about the opposing team for approximately 2 minutes. Then, one team turns around while the other team begins to change approximately 10 things about their appearance (i.e. switch watches, shoes, earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, sweatshirts, pony tails, hats etc.). The other team then turns around and has to try and tell the teacher everything that is different. The students then switch roles and see who is more successful.
Equipment: None Needed

Balloon Trolleys:

Have the students in your class line up and put a balloon between each person. For example if X is
a student and O is a balloon, this is what the line should look like: XOXOXOXOXOX. The challenge is to have the entire group move across an area without having the balloons touch the floor. If the balloon touches the floor, then the whole group must start from the beginning again.The teacher can add different obstacles as well. These can include but are not limited to going under a table, over a balance beam, stepping over milk crates, etc.
Equipment: Enough Balloons to Provide a Team

Triangle Tag:

All students except for two taggers form a group of three. Each group of three holds hands and forms a triangle. One person from each group is considered the leader. The two taggers have to go around and try to tag the leaders while the group tries to maneuver themselves so that the leader does not get tagged. If a leader is tagged, they switch positions with the person who tagged them. Switch the leaders after a few minutes.
Equipment: None


Teachers continuously swing a long jump rope in the middle of the gymnasium. The students’ objective is to have the entire class get to the other side of the gym without being touched by the rope. If one person is touched, the entire class must go back to the side they started on and begin again. Give no instruction. The students must communicate with each other and decide on a strategy.
Equipment: Large Jump rope

The Almost Infinite Circle (4th –12th )

Equipment: Any type of rope (jump ropes preferably)
Description: The object of the activity is for two students who are connected by ropes to work together to untangle themselves.  You can either tie two ten-inch ropes comfortably around student’s wrists or simply ask the students to hold on to the ends of the ropes.  They must separate themselves without cutting the ropes, slipping the knotted portion over their hands, or untying the knots.  If students are holding the ropes, they may not let go of them at any time.  The ropes should be tied in such a manner that if you laid the ropes on the floor, the ropes would from an "X." One person would then pick up the bottom jump rope and one person would pick up the top jump rope.  If you are tying the jump ropes do so after they pick the ropes
up. They are now ready to untangle themselves.
Solution: Make a loop in the center of your partner's rope.  Pass this loop under either of your wrist loops so that the loop portion is closest to your fingers.  Pull the loop through with your other hand and open it to a size that will accommodate your hand.  Pass the loop over your hand and pull it down through the wrist loop.  You are now free!!

Frozen Cardboard (1st-6th)

Equipment: Beanbags or cardboard sheets
Description: Each student takes a piece of cardboard and places it on his or her head.  On the signal by the teacher, the students move about they gymnasium with the cardboard on his/her head. A student is frozen when the cardboard falls off of his/her head.  A student becomes unfrozen when another student picks up the cardboard and places it back on the frozen students head without dropping his/her cardboard.

Beat Box (4th-12th)

Equipment: Stretch bands, whistles, lummi sticks, coffee cans.
Description: Split the class up into small groups.  Have the groups create their own music beats using any tool you provide them with or they have on their own- mouths.  They must then create a routine with the stretch bands that accompanies the beat.  The routine should follow the structure of their music beats.  They must present the routine to the class and have the class follow along with their stretch bands as the group demonstrates.

Circus Arts (1st-5th)

Equipment: Scarves, juggle balls, blocks, Chinese yo-yos, spinners with sticks, etc.
Description: Split the class into groups.  Have each group create a circus routine where everyone in the group participates.  They must use the equipment you provide them with, and perform the routine by the
end of class.

Rattlesnake (4th -6th)

Equipment: Blindfolds, noisemakers
Description: In a large circle have two volunteers.  Both students will be blindfolded and be given a noisemaker.  One student becomes the rattlesnake and the other is the rabbit.  When the rattlesnake rattles his noisemaker, so must the rabbit. The objective of this activity is to try and use your hearing to catch the other person. The students who are forming the circle are acting as bumpers.  If the two students veer off out of the circle, the circle will guide them back in the circle using their bumpers (hands).

Cooperative Musical Hoops (1st-6th)

Equipment: Hula Hoops, music
Description: Divide students into pairs with each pair standing inside a hula hoop.  Each student holds his or her portion of the hoop.  As the music is played, they move around the gymnasium, staying inside their hoop.  Each time the music stops, students from two different hoops must team up by stacking their hoops together and getting inside them.  This process continues until as many students as possible are all together inside as many hoops as possible.

Creative Hula Hoop Activity (1st-6th)

Equipment: Hula Hoops
Description: The objective of this activity is for the students to use
different locomotor movements to get through a maze of hula hoops. Divide the class into small groups of five to ten children. In each group give all the children a hula hoop, with the exception of one child. Allow the children a few minutes to arrange themselves and their hoops in an unusual position so that they all connect to one another.  When the whistle blows, the children hold their position. The child who does not have a hoop must go through all the hoops using different movements such as crawling, rolling, and going backwards. Give each child an opportunity to go through the hoops.

TP Shuffle (7th-10th)

Equipment: Balance Beam
Description: Split the class up evenly and have one group go on one end and the other group go on the other end. The object of the game is to try and get everyone across the beam to the other side without falling off the balance beam. You must have at least three people from each side on the beam at all times.

Anatomy Face Off (3rd-6th)

Equipment: Large pictures of human muscles, index cards with muscle names written on them, ball
Description: Each student is handed out an index card with the name of a human muscle on it.  Split the class into two groups and have them spread out on opposite sides of the room.  In the middle of the room, the teacher holds up the picture of a muscle so that all students can see.  When the teacher gives the cue, the two students whose index cards have the name of that muscle on it (one from each team should have one) must run to the center of the room and grab the ball before the other team does, and before getting tagged by the other team.  They must roll the ball to a teammate for a point to be added to their teams score.  Points are deducted if a student runs out and it is not their muscle.

Twisted Sisters Disco Inferno (6th –12th)

Equipment: None
Description: Have a small group of students (5-6) hold hands in a straight line, all facing in the same direction. The person at the end puts their hand up against a wall or holds onto a pole. The task is for everyone, including the person with their hand around the pole or up against the wall, to end up with their arms folded across their chest. None of the students can let go of their hands and the person at end must keep hand on the wall or pole. There are a number of known ways to solve this problem. Give the students plenty of time to discuss possible solutions. You should have the group of students holding hands in a straight
line. One end person is either holding onto a pole or has their hand against a wall, and the other end person is at the end of the line with one hand free. One solution to this problem is that the end person, who is free to move, leads the entire group under the arm of the person attached to the pole or wall. This end person continues to lead the group under the wall person's arm again and again until everyone has their arms crossed. Finally the end person turns and faces the opposite direction w/o taking their arm off of the wall (this crosses their arms). A second solution is by going off of the disco inferno theme (a late 70's Staying Alive Dance move). Everyone crosses their arms overhead in a disco like turn to cross arms.

Key Punch (6th -9th )

Equipment: Pods (Polly-Spots)
Description: Place thirty pods on the floor of the room so that they lined up evenly with five pods across and six pods up. The pods should be numbered one through thirty, but not in order. The objective is to have all thirty numbers on the key pad touched in sequential order in the least amount of time possible by all students working cooperatively. The time starts when the first person crosses the line and the last person crosses the line. Only one player is allowed in the keypad at a time.  Two seconds is added to the group’s time for each penalty assessed such as more than one person in the key pad at once or more having the numbers touched out of sequence.

Builders and Dozers (1st -5th )

Equipment: Mini cones or bowling pins
Description: Set up the mini cones or bins all around the room.  Separate the class into two groups which will become your builders and dozers.  The job of the dozers is to gently knock the cones down to the floor.  The job of the builders is to pick up the cones that the dozers knock down. The dozers are trying to knock the cones down faster than the builders can set them back up and vice versa.  Switch jobs after a few minutes.

Everybody Up (8th-12th )

Description: Have two people of approximately the same size sit back to back.  Students should lock arms at the elbow and on teachers cue, try to stand up without putting their hands on the floor. If the pair is successful, ask them to seek another partner and try standing using three people, then four, etc. until the entire group tries to stand up together.

Human Ladder (9th- 12th)

Equipment: 6-10 smooth hardwood dowel rods about 3 feet long, 1 ¼ inches in diameter
Description: Students are paired and given one “rung” on the ladder which is a dowel.  Each partner should be holding the dowel at one end.  Students in pairs should be standing shoulder to shoulder with their classmates so that they form a ladder.  A climber starts at one end of the ladder and proceeds to move from one rung to another.  As the climber passes by, the pair holding the ladder rung leaves their position and proceeds to the end of the ladder extending the length of the ladder.  The student climbing should try not to use the other students for balance unless they have to.

Traffic Jam (9th- 12th)

Equipment: Nine hula hoops
Description: The object of the game is to have two groups of four people each standing in hula hoops exchange places. There should be one more hoop than person, so nine hula hoops lined up.  To begin, one group occupies all the hula hoops to the left of the middle hoop, the other group stands to the right.  Both groups must face the middle hoop.  Illegal moves include: any move backwards, any move around someone facing the same way you are (if you are facing their back), and any move which involves two people moving at once.  Any person may move into an empty space in front of him/her.  A person may move around a person who is facing him in an empty space.

The Monster (10th- 12th)

Description: The object is to get a group of seven people across an area with only four body parts having simultaneous contact with the ground.  All seven people must begin at the marked starting line and end at the finish line.  All seven participants must be in constant and direct physical contact with each other as they make the journey across the room. Emphasize safety issues with your class when doing this activity.

Popsicle Push-Up (10th- 12th)

Description: Set up a demonstration for your students to start.  Ask one person to lie face down on the ground as if prepared to do a push-up.  The second person lies face down, at right angles with the first person so that the tops of their feet are on top of the first persons lower back.  The third person repeats the procedure, using the second person as their footrest.  The fourth person fits in as to connect everyone in a square configuration.  All four should be face down with their instep on someone else’s back.  If someone
is having trouble getting up, tell him or her to push up a second before everyone else, offering the advantage of a head start.  Keep adding students till the whole class is involved in one push-up.

Circle the Circle 

Equipment: Hula Hoops (two-four depending on group size)
Description: Ask the group to form a hand in hand circle.  Place two large hula hoops between two people.  See how quickly the participants in the circle can cause the hoops to travel around the circle in opposite directions.  You can separate the class into smaller groups and have them race to see who finishes faster.

Knots (3rd- 12th)

Description: Students form a circle.  They then grab hands of other students who are not directly on their left or right.  No two hands can go to one individual.  Students must then get out of the knot, which they just formed without ever letting go of anyone’s hand.  They may end up backwards.  Add more students to the circle each time you do it.

Group Juggle (3th- 12th)

Equipment: Bean bags, nerf balls, paddleballs, rubber chickens (anything that can be thrown and
Description: Students stand in a circle and toss different objects around in a set pattern they form.  When they throw an object, they must shout out the person’s name they are throwing to, something they know about that person, something they like about that person, etc.  Students may not receive the object twice before everyone has caught it.  Keep adding more objects to throw.  Keep extending the size of the circle.

Stepping Stones (4th- 12th)

Equipment: Pods
Description: Split the class into teams (two, three, or four per team).  The object of the game is to have the whole team make it across the gym while having no one ever touch the gym floor.  Students must always be touching a stone (pod) otherwise it will fall into the creak and they will loose it.  Always have at least one less pod then student.  Students are going to have to double up on stones.  The last person on the pod must pick up the pod and pass it to the front of the line.  Can use as relay race, or individual competitions.
MODIFICATION: Add a story line to this game. The students will have to transport the balls from
a crater on the planet Mars their space ship waiting for deployment on the other side of the planet.  The students have to use the pods that have been placed on the floor as stepping springs to allow them safe passage over the galactic goop (the floor).  If they step off the pods they will have stepped on the galactic goop.  The students need to transport the balls as quickly as possible.  They will be timed.  If the students land on the galactic goop they will have to return back to the crater and start over again.

Human Spring (6th- 12th)

Equipment: None
Description: Two people line up facing each other.  The object is to lean in as far as possible stopping each other by pressing palms.  Students should try to continually increase the distance between themselves.

Stand Off (7th- 12th)

Equipment: None
Description: Students stand facing each other, feet glued to the floor.  They put their palms together and try to push each other off balance.  Have students keep rotating partners in the class till everyone has worked with everyone.

Diminished Load (7th- 12th)

Equipment: None
Description: The students are given a story line.  For example they are trapped on a deserted island in the middle of a huge ocean.  They have been granted magic shoes which will allow one person at a time to cross the water which is lined with crocodiles.  The object is to move the entire group from one side to the other as quickly as possible.  To cross the water, a person must be carried. The carrier must then return and be carried his or herself.  The only person allowed to walk across the water is the last person.  If the carried person touches the ground while being transported the team must start over.  The number of people that can be carried at one time depends on the student’s strength and imagination.

Levitation (7th-12th )

Equipment: None
Description: A student lies on the floor.  The other students place their hands under this student and together pick the student up over their heads.  They then swing/sway the student and then gently lower them to the ground.  The lying down student should place their hands over their chest, close their eyes and remain perfectly still.  You can also modify this activity by having all the students but one lie on the floor with their palms up in the air and their elbows bent.  One student can be passed across the student’s hands.

Toxic Waste (6th -12th  )

Equipment: Two octagon shaped pieces of wood, and 8 strings at least 10 feet in length coming off
each side of the octagon, two bowling pins
Description: This is a cooperation game that can be used to help with teamwork. You will need a piece of wood shaped in an octagon with eight long pieces of rope attached to the sides.  The students then lift the piece of wood holding onto the strings and attempt to walk across the gym without having the pin hit the floor.

Missionaries and Cannibals ( 6th –12th )

Equipment: Eight scooters, rope
Description:  Divide the class into groups of six. The objective as a team is to figure a way to get all six people over to the other side of the imaginary river using scooters as boats. There are three missionaries and three cannibals.  The rules are as follows: The cannibals can eat the missionaries, but only if they outnumber the missionaries.  Two people can go over at a time but, one person has to come back to pick someone else
up.  The teams have to figure out how to get everyone across with no one getting eaten.  For example, two cannibals can start off across the river but, one of them has to come back to bring the boat across.

Rope Knot:

Students get in groups of about 7 people. Each person gets a rope. They then give the other end of their rope to another student in their group. You are not allowed to pass the rope to the person next to you and you can’t pass the rope to the same person who passed the rope to you. The objective is for everyone to maneuver so that they are facing in the opposite direction they started, with their ropes untangled.
Equipment: Long Rope

The Shoe Sort:

The students are blindfolded or are told to keep their eyes closed during the activity. They are also not allowed to talk to one another. The objective is for the students to arrange themselves in the order of their shoe sizes. The teacher must look to make sure the students are not bumping into one another.
Equipment: Blindfolds

Group Juggle (variations):

Have the students form a circle and pass around a ball in a pattern so that everyone gets a turn catching and throwing. The person will call the name out of the person they throw to and catch from. The teacher can add variations to this game by adding multiple balls for the class to throw or calling out reverse during the middle of the activity. The teacher can also try to have the class throw two balls going in the original direction and two in the reverse direction.
Equipment: 2-3 Nerf Balls

I like to…:

The students in the class will get into a circle. Each person will introduce themselves and act out something that they enjoy doing. The other children in the class will try to guess what is being done. At the conclusion, have one or two people go to the middle of the circle and go through everyone’s name and what they enjoy doing.
Equipment: None Needed

Panther Ball (2-12th)

Concept of the Game:Cooperation, strategy
Equipment List:one large stability ball or omnikon ball, many different sized balls (foam, playground, soccer, etc), tape for mid-line and end line on floor
Activity/Game Description: The class is split in half and each half has one half of the gym. There are balls lined up on the mid-line and in the middle is the large ball. On the whistle, each group runs to the balls and throws (or rolls depending on the class) the small balls at the large ball. The object is to make the large ball cross the other team’s end line. When the ball crosses a team’s end line the other team gets the point.

1,2,3...30! (7-12th)

Concept of the Game:Cooperation, communication, strategy
Equipment List:rope circle, tape for end line, papers with numbers 1-30 written out, stopwatch
Activity/Game Description:There is a rope circle on the floor with papers with the numbers 1-30 on them spread out in a random order. The class is split in half. Each team will start behind the end line on the other side of the gym. The team must run to the circle. Each team will have to enter the circle one by one to touch the numbers in order from 1-30. Only one student can be in the circle at a time and they are only allowed to touch one number while in the circle. Every student must have at least one turn to touch a number. Each team will be timed. If a teammates touches a different number by accident there is a 10 second penalty. If a teammates enters the circle at the same time as another teammate there is a 5 second penalty. After the team touches numbers 1-30 in order they must run back to the end line and their timer stops. The next team goes. Teams cannot watch each other’s turns. Teams will get three chances to do the activity and they will have a chance to discuss their strategy. After each team goes three times, a class discussion about what worked and what did not work should take place. 

Memory (6-8th)

Concept of the Game: For students to get a moderate cardiovascular workout while communicating with partners
Equipment List: 2 sets of numbered spots 1-30, a stop watch
Activity/Game Description: Students compete against the clock to match numbered spots in a large game of memory. The pairs will work together to match the poly spots up . The pairs must communicate while flipping over the poly spots , if they don’t match up they must flip them back down and continue with the activity.

 Mirror Image (K-12th)

Concept of the game:  Partner work, cooperative, communication..  fitness stretching
Activity/Game Description:
-Divide into groups of 2. Partners face each other, toe to toe.
-1 person acts as initiator and other is the mirror image.
-Remind class, it’s not competitive, make slow and interesting movements that the person can mirror the actions.
-Must cooperate with partner and go in slow motion.
*Work on various stretches, creative moves, hop on 1 foot, do a twist, hands and knees, etc.Then… have them do the opposite of the initiator.
RULES:1-partners can’t touch each other, 2- all movements must be in slow motion, 3- one foot must be on the ground at all times.
Modifications:Work in groups of 4, then have one mirror for the entire class.

Kickball Basketball (4-6th)

Concept of the game:  Partner work, cooperative, communication..  SPORT GAME
Equipment List:  bases, some type of ball (nerf ball, kick ball), basketball hoop, and hula hoop
Activity/Game Description:
  • The class must be divided into two teams
  • The bases must be set up like a baseball field with home plate
  • One team will be the kickers, and the other team will be the fielders
  • The kickers must line up in a line, with the person up standing in the hoola hoop to indicate they are next
  • The fielders must spread out amongst the playing area to field the ball
  • Once the kicker has kicked the ball they must run around the bases.
  • The kicker will continue to run around the bases until the fielder score a basket
  • Every time the kicker touches home plate, they score another point for their team
  • If the fielders score a basket before the kicker touches home plate, then they are out
  • When the fielders, score a basket, then the kicker stops running and goes to the end of the line
  • The person standing in the hula hoop is the next kicker.
  • Every person standing in the line, receives a chance to kick the ball
  • After everyone has had one chance to kick the ball, then the teams must switch roles (kickers become fielders, and fielders become kickers)
  • If the fielders catch the ball on a fly it is not an out.  They must score a basket.
  • If a girl kicks the ball, then a boy must score the basket to get the out
  • If a boy kicks the ball, then a girl must score the basket to get the out
  • You can shoot on any basket in the gymnasium
  • If you have already scored a basket you cannot shoot again.  You must pass the ball to somebody else to score the basket
  • You can only get someone out by scoring a basket
  • Everyone must get a chance to kick the ball before switching sides

  • The game can be modified by adding more balls into play at once, or using different size or type of ball
  • If use a large ball, one can create their own net that the ball will fit through

Buffalo Bill Tag (1-4th)

Concept of the game:  Cooperative, Team work, communication, TAG GAME
Equipment List:  Blindfolds for each student, various different pieces of equipment.
Activity/Game Description:
-Teacher picks 3 students to be “It” or the “Buffalo Bill”. They try and tag as many other students as possible (light tag).
-If tagged- Assume the dead buffalo position (lie on back with all 4 limbs up in air)
-To re-enter the game, someone who is free must tag all 4 of the dead buffalo’s limbs and say “Buffalo Bill 1, 2, 3 free”.
-Change taggers at the end of each round.
 *Can play William tell Overture music in the background… give it a cowboy feel.
 Modifications:*More taggers for younger grades and a smaller area. *Less taggers and a larger area for older students. * Instead of running… have the students Gallop, Slide, hop, etc. Work on loco motor movements.

Kick Jack (2-12th)

Concept of the game:  Cooperative, Team work, communication, Cooperative GAMEye-foot coordination, soccer juggling,
Equipment List:  1 beach ball, balloon or age appropriate ball per every 6-10 players
Activity/Game Description:
Divide the class into teams of 6-10.  Each team is given a beach ball or age/skill appropriate ball. 
 The object of the game is to keep the ball in the air as long as possible, using only feet and knees only. 
 You can track this game based on time or based upon the number of consecutive hits. A player may not hit more than 3 times consecutively.  Each team will work to beat their own "world record".
 Modifications: As team improve, have the teams compete against each other… single elimination at end.
* You can really change the skill level of this game easily.  You can use anything from a balloon to real soccer balls to a hacky sack. 
*You can also limit the number of consecutive hits per person.*You can even make it so each player must get 1 hit before any other player can hit twice (super difficult).

 Toss me the Chicken Tag/Flip Tag (1-5th)

Concept of the game:  Cooperative, Team work, communication, TAG GAME
Equipment List:  5-6 rubber chickens, or tube socks with a knot in middle, 5 pinnies
Activity/Game Description:
-Teacher selects 3 people to be IT, wear a pinnie.
-The ITS chase everyone and try to tag them.
-If tagged you are now IT and join the pinnies..
-However, there are 3 people with birds… if you toss the bird to someone you can save them from being tagged. You cannot be tagged when you have the bird in your hand.
-Remind students to ask for the bird nicely and work together.
Strategy- if I am being chased, tell “toss me the bird” and you are safe.
-Change ITS at the end of the round.
 -You can have up to 5 ITS and 5 birds at once.
  Modifications: *More taggers for younger grades and a smaller area. * Less taggers and a larger area for older students. * Instead of running… have the students Gallop, Slide, hop, etc. Work on loco motor movements.

Turnstile (3-8th)

Equipment: Large Jump rope
Description: Teachers continuously swing a long jump rope in the middle of the gymnasium. The students’ objective is to have the entire class get to the other side of the gym without being touched by the rope. If one person is touched, the entire class must go back to the side they started on and begin again. Give no
instruction. The students must communicate with each other and decide on a strategy.